Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dekaron Incar Magician’s First Five Armor Sets

After three days of playing Dekaron as an Incar Magician, our character reached level 45. Not too high tough, because my brother and I weren’t that serious in leveling up. But at least she was able to wear 5 sets of armors!

Default Armor Set

Breath Armor Set - Level 2

Muse Armor Set - Level 14

Minerva Armor Set - Level 27

Supia Armor Set - Level 40

We realized how powerful a magician can be. Even in her low levels, she can annihilate mobs in a single blow. Since we now have a “new pet,” I guess I’ll take a break from my other Facebook games. I will even refrain from opening my Facebook account from now on so that I won’t be tempted to play. Hehehe!

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