Sunday, August 2, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

My sister and I decided to go to the mall today to unwind. After shopping for clothes and shoes, we watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. The movie started a few weeks ago that’s why the movie theater wasn’t full and a lot of seats were vacant. I wasn’t able to read the book that’s why I have no idea what’s going to happen next. I really love Harry Potter movies because of the scenes and costumes were so amazing. Sometimes I’m wondering how someone could imagine that magical place and the people/cast were also magnificent. I noticed this movie was a love story and only few magic/fight scenes. I couldn’t believe Dumbledore died! I hope Harry did some hocus pocus magic so that Dumbledore won’t fall down drastically. But then everything must have happened so fast and Harry was still in awe, he wasn’t able to think straight. I almost cried because I believe Dumbledore was the greatest wizard of all time, and now that he’s gone, who else could ever replace him? I wish I just waited for this movie to come out in the video. I felt spending Php160.00 on this movie was not worth it.

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