Friday, March 6, 2009

I love Eva Fonda!

I caught Justin, a 10-year-old boy who constantly hangs around our barbeque business, wandering outside my house, all geared up, polished and newly bathed, as if waiting for someone. He said he’s waiting for us to go outside and sell our stuff. I really like this boy, he looks cute, honest and very funny. I told him the other day “Justin, I have a crush on you.” He smiled and wittingly said “Eh, you’re older than me!” and then everyone started giggling. To me, this was just a joke. Portia noticed how neat Justin looked today and said “Why are you dressed like that? Do you have a date or you just want to call Amaranth’s attention?” He blushed and shyly said “Of course not!” We giggled at the thought that this little boy, having said I liked him, was totally a different person now than that of two days ago. He jokingly said, “Hey, you looked like someone, an actress on the television.” I was surprised and curious who could that be. He said “You looked like Eva Fonda, but not because you’re as pretty as her, but because you have this fuzzy and curly hair just like hers!” Bwahahaha! Portia and I laughed so hard, I have been complaining about my hair for a long time because it’s becoming curlier everyday. But then, look at the brighter side, he said Eva Fonda (Christine Reyes)! She is really pretty and voted as one of the sexiest female in the country. Well, at least I’ve got her hair!

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