Monday, November 10, 2008

Do you believe in Soulmates?

Do I believe in soulmates? I have been asking that question over and over again. Ever since I was a child, I believed in Destiny, Fate and Soulmates. I grew up watching romantic movies and cried every time. I loved it when boy-meets-girl and ended up happily ever after. But years passed by, relationships after another, and now I believe romantic stuff happen only in the movies. How sad, but it’s true on my side of earth. It’s really pathetic trying to re-create those movie scenes as real as possible, only to find out I cannot be the director, the writer and the actress at the same time!

When I was younger, I remembered my (older) relatives telling me not have boyfriends because I was still young, and I must finish college first before I go into a serious relationship. Now I’m nearly 30, they (my older relatives) were begging me to get married! What?! There is so much pressure on my part. This is slowly becoming a “panic mode” for me! Gosh, I envy those people who found their partners in life. I’m starting to doubt if my Mr. Right really exists…but I’m still willing to wait. If SOULMATES are true, I wonder where my “other half” could be…

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