Saturday, November 8, 2008

My True Love, My Favorite Stuff

Hi! Welcome to my personal blog, My True Love. This blog is about my favorite things including computer games, dogs, food and travel.

Let me tell you something about myself. Well, i’m just a simple girl who loves internet surfing and playing online games. I find watching movies very relaxing and it can be my schedule for a Friday night! But what’s wrong with staying at home often? At least I get to play with my two dogs! I love my computer more than my mobile phone. Did I mention i’m getting fat due to the long hours of sitting in front of my monitor, wahahaha! Funny how it may sound, but i’m in my late 20’s, single and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! Sigh! I’m not a very good writer but I find blogging interesting. For me, it will be a way to express my thoughts and rant about anything under the sun. I hope you'll like my TRUE LOVE stuff!

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