Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Learning HTML and CSS

As far as I can remember, when I learned about Friendster.com’s Edit Profile page, it has been a major headache for me editing it with their CSS Editor. Since I was still using a dial-up connection, reloading the page for a preview took me more than 10 minutes! That’s the reason why I didn’t even bother to make my Friendster layout a fabulous one. But of course, there’s a part of me wanting to learn how to make beautiful Friendster layouts. I am not a techie person when it comes to website design. I don’t even have a background on that category. But I have been very busy lately because I’m editing my Multiply.com (online store) account. Since Multiply.com’s online stores require enticing layouts, I was forced to study on my own. So now I have an excuse to learn HTML and CSS? Wahahaha! I then find myself surfing from one site to another trying to find solutions to my queries. My favorite site for HTML and CSS is www.w3schools.com. You can find almost everything on that site and I fell in love with it because it’s super user-friendly. They give specific example of the codes and give you ample space to edit it. You can preview your work as soon as you hit the “Edit and Click Me >>” button. For those of you who are new to HTML and CSS, you may visit their site at http://www.w3schools.com. Now I find designing a website with the use of HTML and CSS fun and educational at the same time!

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