Friday, February 27, 2009

Definitely, Maybe (2008)

I love Isla Fisher! She is so cute and funny. I am not aware she was born on February 3, 1976, which makes her 33 years old. I thought she is just around 25 because she acts a little childish in her movies. Nonetheless, I still like her!

Definitely, Maybe is about a 30-something dad (Ryan Reynolds), who decided to tell his daughter (Abigail Breslin) the story of how her parents met and fell in love. He met three beautiful women, the girl next-door Emily (Elizabeth Banks), his best friend/confidante April (Isla Fisher) and the ambitious journalist Summer (Rachel Weisz). He discovers that a second look at the past might also give him a second chance at the future. This story makes you realize it's definitely never too late to go back.

Download DEFINITELY, MAYBE here.

This download requires µTorrent.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Groom and Bride’s Pre-Nuptial Agreement

The Groom’s Have It All Pre-Nup

1. Belated anniversary celebrations count.
2. No pink toilet seats.
3. Curfew is for the kids. Not for the Dad.
4. My razor is not conjugal property.
5. I reserve the right to temporary deafness when you nag.
6. A portion of the budget should be set aside for my toys.
7. Watching TV is considered quality time.
8. No “Am I fat” questions.
9. A big bike is a legitimate for of transportation.
10. Lace is not a material that goes in the car.

The Bride’s Have It All Pre-Nup

1. No raising of undershirt, unbuckling of belt and rubbing of tummy after a meal in public.
2. No leaving the bathroom door open while taking a dump.
3. No walking around in socks and underwear.
4. No cycling shorts in any color except black.
5. No compairing my cooking to your mother’s.
6. Household appliances do not count as gifts, nor do gift certificates.
7. Do not wear shirts so tight, your nipples poke through.
8. Absolutely no mesh shirts.
9. Thou shall not pick your nose around me, in public, or in untinted cars.
10. Unless you are a professional swimmer, never wear bikini trunks, especially those in leopard, zebra, or any animal print.

Source: Coca Cola Light (Promotional Planner)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Twilight (2008)

This movie made me love vampires even more. I like the idea of “waiting for The One” and not letting go as soon as you find it. There’s their undying love for each other, which by the way, I haven’t really felt yet. But I believe in fairy tales and I do believe that one day, my knight in shining armor will come. I just hope he’s as gorgeous as Edward! I believe Edward Cullen (sigh…) is definitely the hottest vampire of this generation.

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) moved to live with her Dad in Forks, Washington when her mother remarried. Then she meets the mysterious Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). They have fallen in love with each other and trouble begins sooner than they expected. This is a modern Romeo and Juliet story of a forbidden love affair between vampire and mortal.

Download TWILIGHT here.

This download requires µTorrent.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Beloved Shih Tzu and Labraskal

These are our “other” family members. They have been with us for more than three years now. I never really thought we will have our own pets considering our age (me and my siblings were already considered adults). Our pets our very cuddly and they make us happy everyday. They welcome us everytime we wake up in the morning and when we come home from work. They usually wag their tails and climb up to our knees. I can never image life without them anymore. I just hope they can stay alive for a long time.

Name: Kenji
Breed: Shih Tzu
Favorite Food: Bacon Bites, Liver, Vegetables, Cupcake, Dog Food
Pastime: Sleeping, peeing on the pillow, rubbing his nose on the mattress cover, making cute faces

Name: Peachy
Breed: Labrador - Askal
Favorite Food: Bacon Bites, Liver, Soup, Pasta
Pastime: barking at the neighbor’s dogs and cats, window viewing, running around, making cute faces

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine’s Day 2009

My friends and I went to Angelo’s jamming session. It was passed 8pm and all the tables were surprisingly occupied. Good thing Angelo reserved a table for us. It was out first time to hear their music. Their duo was acoustic, Angelo playing the percussion while his friend sings and plays the guitar. They started drinking beer, while I ordered a bottle of Coca Cola! I do not drink alcohol beverages, so what? I came there to see and appreciate their music, and of course, the food! I ordered my favorite sizzling pork chop with gravy and rice, yum-yum! Across our table were two guys who happen to be staring at our table. We were laughing because they look stupid, probably thinking what to say or how to approach us. Then the waiter came and gave us three bottles of beer, courtesy of those guys. After five minutes, one guy came to our table and asked Lyndsay “Pwede bang makipag-friends? Kamukha mo kasi ang kaibigan ko sa probinsiya (Can I be friends with you? You looked like my friend in my province.).” Then he gave three faux roses to Lyndsay saying, “Happy Valentine’s!” We just stared at each other, trying to control our big laugh! Of course we do not want to humiliate the guy, but what he just said and did was so hilarious! Lyndsay thanked the guy, so as not to insult him. What’s more funnier was when he said “Pwede ko bang mahingi ang number mo (Can I have your number?)?” Our eyes grew wider, we could not believe he has the guts to say that. Out of courtesy, we gave out a old number I was not using anymore. After getting the number, he shakes hands with Lyndsay and left our table for good. I have nothing against these kinds of people. It was just a funny moment for us, because normally it was Lyndsay who gets noticed easily. And she proved her “radiating neon lights” once again!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

29 Candles for Louise

It’s Louise’s birthday today! My friends and I did not open up our barbeque stand today because Louise promised to treat us. I went to Lyndsay’s house because it’s our meeting place. Louise came 15 minutes after I arrived. I was surprised to see Elizabeth driving a Toyota Fortuner! I do not have a car and it was my first time to ride this one. We went to Serendra Bonifacio High Street (Bonifacio Global City in Taguig). Our other friend Josie was already there with her husband and her baby girl. We were so happy to see her again, it’s been a long time since we last saw each other. This was the first time Louise was able to treat us. We were arguing on where to dine, but at last, we settled with Italianni’s Restaurant. We were so hungry, I wasn’t even able to take pictures of what we ordered, hehehe! It’s so embarrassing because we immediately consumed everything on the table! After we finished our meal, a waiter suddenly came out of nowhere and started singing a “happy birthday” song (it was in Spanish), together with other 5 crew members. They have a maracas and a tambourine with them, making the entire “show” a very lively one. We were all shocked with what they did, and we were all laughing. Louise received a small slice of chocolate cake with a matching lighted candle. She blew the candle out and who knows what she wished for. We wanted to have coffee after our meal but we were so full and our stomachs can’t accommodate anything anymore. So we decided to call it a day. On our way home, Louise told us a story that happened to her a couple of months ago. She went to Serendra too, and unfortunately, she got lost going to Quezon City. She remembered driving to nowhere, until she saw a sign saying “South Luzon Expressway” (Quezon City is somewhere in the North). It’s definitely NOT the right way! So she got scared and panicked at the same time, she didn’t know what to do. Luckily, a vendor passed by and she bravely asked for directions. The vendor told her there was a small U-Turn at the end of the road before she could exit the Expressway. What a relief, she said. Elizabeth was quietly smiling and then told us she wasn’t familiar with Taguig either, therefore, we found ourselves lost along the way! The funny thing was we also saw a sign saying “South Luzon Expressway,” therefore, we were lost just like what happened to Louise! Oh my gas! We can’t believe it happened again! We stopped near a store and asked for directions. They said the same thing “there was a small U-Turn at the end of the road.” We were giggling so hard, this could have been the funniest thing that happened to us for a long time. Tonight has been definitely a fun night for all of us.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Four People You Will Meet in Life

I have found this quotation, and sadly, it may be true for some people. It happened to me before (not that I’m already married). This has become my guide in finding that One True Love…

“Four people you will meet in life:

First is yourself.

Second is the one you love most.

Third is the one who loves you most.

Fourth is the one you spend the rest of your life with.

Sadly in real life, these three people are usually not the same person.
The one you love most doesn't love you.
The one who loves you most is not the one you love.
And the one you spend the rest of your life with is not the one who loves you...he/she is just the person who happens to be at the right place and at the right time.”

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My 15th Annual SAG Best Dressed

The Screen Actors Guild honored the outstanding performances of 2008, held at Los Angeles, California. I have collected my best dressed actresses and hopefully you will like them too!

The Screen Actors Guild honored the outstanding performances of 2008, held at Los Angeles, California. I have collected my best dressed actresses and hopefully you will like them too!

AMY ADAMS / Sister James - "Doubt"
CHRISTINA APPLEGATE / Samantha Newly - "Samantha Who?"
EVA LONGORIA-PARKER / Gabrielle Solis - "Desperate Housewives"
FRIEDA PINTO / Latika – "Slumdog Millionaire"
LAURA LINNEY / Abigail Adams - "John Adams"
PERREY REEVES / Mrs. Ari - "Entourage"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Goo Goo Dolls - Black Balloon

"Black Balloon" by Goo Goo Dolls

Baby’s black balloon makes her fly
I almost fell into that hole in your life
And you’re not thinking about tomorrow
‘Cause you were the same as me
But on your knees

A thousand other boys could never reach you
How could I have been the one
I saw the world spin beneath you
And scatter like ice from the spoon
That was your womb

Comin’ down the world turned over
And angels fall without you there
And I go on as you get colder
Or are you someone’s prayer

You know the lies they always told you
And the love you never knew
What’s the things they never showed you
That swallowed the light from the sun
Inside your room

Comin’ down the world turned over
And angels fall without you there
And I go on as you get colder
Or are you someone’s prayer

And there’s no time left for losin’
When you stand they fall
Comin’ down the world turned over
And angels fall without you there
And I go on as you get colder
All because I’m
Comin’ down the years turn over
And angels fall without you there
And I’ll go and lead you home and
All because I’m
All because I’m
And I’ll become
What you became to me


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Sunday, February 1, 2009

February, the Love Month

Today is the first day of February. My friends and I were wondering what we should do on Valentine’s Day. Should we have a girl’s night out or should we just stay at home and rent some movies? Then I remembered our friend Angelo invited us to his jamming session on January 14. Now at least, we have something to look forward to!