Monday, February 23, 2009

The Groom and Bride’s Pre-Nuptial Agreement

The Groom’s Have It All Pre-Nup

1. Belated anniversary celebrations count.
2. No pink toilet seats.
3. Curfew is for the kids. Not for the Dad.
4. My razor is not conjugal property.
5. I reserve the right to temporary deafness when you nag.
6. A portion of the budget should be set aside for my toys.
7. Watching TV is considered quality time.
8. No “Am I fat” questions.
9. A big bike is a legitimate for of transportation.
10. Lace is not a material that goes in the car.

The Bride’s Have It All Pre-Nup

1. No raising of undershirt, unbuckling of belt and rubbing of tummy after a meal in public.
2. No leaving the bathroom door open while taking a dump.
3. No walking around in socks and underwear.
4. No cycling shorts in any color except black.
5. No compairing my cooking to your mother’s.
6. Household appliances do not count as gifts, nor do gift certificates.
7. Do not wear shirts so tight, your nipples poke through.
8. Absolutely no mesh shirts.
9. Thou shall not pick your nose around me, in public, or in untinted cars.
10. Unless you are a professional swimmer, never wear bikini trunks, especially those in leopard, zebra, or any animal print.

Source: Coca Cola Light (Promotional Planner)

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