Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Gamer’s Passion

I would remember the time when my dad would come late at home from work (around 2:00 am) and he would sneak up to play the family computer. Once he opens the TV, my brother and sister would wake up to the sound of Super Mario Bros. We can stay up all night just watching our dad play, even if we have classes in the morning. We would cheer for him as he passes one stage after the other. I would wholeheartedly remember each sequence so that I know what to do when I play it in the afternoon (from school). I also practiced on how to get the “secret 300 lives” with the use of the two turtles coming down just before finishing World 3. Let the first turtle go and then lightly jump on the second turtle (it should be standing still on the steps). Jump on that turtle again until you keep bouncing into the other turtle. You can now get as many “lives” as you can! Just be careful not to overdo it because if you, the game will be over.

My brother is also a gamer. Sometimes my dad would buy new games and let my brother play on his own. I was awed by the intelligence of my brother to “decipher” on how to finish the game. I really loved the feeling of “relief” once we passed a stage, even if I’m just watching my dad or my brother play. Since then, I was attracted to any game I could possibly get my hands on. If I remember it correctly, we were playing this game, Adventure Island, right before our family computer got broken. It’s like Super Mario Bros too, but Master Higgins can ride a skateboard and have fairy sidekicks to boost his power. It is necessary to collect those floating food items by jumping in the air, or else Master Higgins will die. Until now, we haven’t finished the game. How I wish we could find a copy of that game and maybe my brother and I could finish it…for our beloved dad.

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