Monday, December 22, 2008

Baby Photo Contest Winner

My friend Kayrine joined a Baby Photo Contest and today is the last day of voting. Only hours left before the deadline for the submission of entries, our competitor was leading by 50 votes. More people were logged in than the usual number, which is 5 at most (I, Lindsay, Kayrine and 2 others). The site suddenly experienced lag-ness and our votes were having a hard time passing through. We were in panic mode! We did our best, to the maximum level! When we knew the timer has stopped, and the counting of votes was over, we waited patiently for the results. Oh my gas! We can’t believe it. We lost by 12 votes! It’s acceptable if it happens to be 120 or 1,000 votes, but no, imagine that, 12 votes?! Now Kayrine’s baby was only second best. I don’t think I can get over this…for a long time…

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