Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Season for Sharing

Christmas is over, but the season for sharing has not yet ended. Now is the time to make the last minute shopping and gift giving, “it’s better late than never.” As the saying goes, “It’s better to give than to receive.” So, how many gifts did you received? Have you experienced receiving 3 sets of photo frames, 5 coffee mugs, 4 calendars and 6 ballpens in one Christmas occasion? I’m sure some of you received more than what I have received. What am I going to do with all of them? Practically speaking, I “recycle” them! I know it’s not ethical, but I only have ample storage space. I should give it to someone who needs them most. But of course, one should do this with precaution, or else you might end up giving the item to the person who gave it to you!

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