Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas 2008

Today is Christmas yet it felt like an ordinary day to me. My sister and I just watched television while playing with our dogs. Of course my brother got so addicted to Dekaron, he just played all day (he’s the blurred image sitting behind our dog Kenji)! In the evening, my sister and I cooked Fettuccine Carbonara. This Christmas was very simple for us, no merry-making whatsoever. Our mom cried today, she must have remembered my dad (who died more than 2 years ago due to cancer). She locked herself in her room and when it’s time to eat Noche Buena, only my siblings and I were around the dining table. She said she’s not hungry and she doesn’t want to eat anything tonight. We ate two hours earlier, 10:00 pm to be exact. Nothing much for dinner, we only had pasta and roasted chicken. So after dinner, it’s time to feed the dogs! Our other dog Peachy ate a bowlful of pasta (take note: Pasta, which is one of her favorite dish), while Kenji ate roasted chicken (his favorite). Yes, you read that right, Chicken. We know dogs must not be fed with chicken because its meat is malansa (or having the stench or taste of fish) and may cause hair loss to them. But how could you refuse this cute being’s face asking for chicken? It’s Christmas anyway, so we gave him a small amount of roasted chicken, some pasta sauce and dog pellets. So, is everyone happy? Wahahaha! Merry Christmas to all!

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