Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to Make Soap Bubbles

Do you still remember those days when Gumamela (Hibiscus) flowers are used to make soap bubbles to last longer? I have a neighbor with Gumamela plants and playmates would often pick some from her garden. Every afternoon at about 4pm, we would meet up on our front gate. My siblings and I were almost always assigned to bring the used tins cans/containers and detergent powder, while our other playmates bring the water, “walis tingting” (broomsticks) and the Gumamela flowers. For those how to make raw bubbles, here’s how:

1. Crush the Gumamela flowers using stones.

2. Pour the water on the tin can or any container.

3. Mix the detergent powder with the water and stir thoroughly.

4. Add the crushed Gumamela flowers on the water and detergent mixture. Stir thoroughly.

5. Make use of the “walis tingting” (broomstick) to create a loop for the soap bubbles. Then dip the “walis tingting” on the mixture and start the fun blowing bubbles!

Too bad younger people nowadays aren’t used to this raw soap bubble making thing. I think one can buy these ready made soap bubble containers from the local market at a reasonably low price of Php 10.00 per piece.

What I like when making the soap bubbles is the “process” of making it from scratch which makes it more memorable for the whole group. But acquiring the soap bubbles whether from scratch or buying it from the market, nothing beats the fun of enjoying it with friends!

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