Thursday, January 15, 2009

Candy’s comeback…

While Elizabeth, Lindsay and I were busy setting up our barbeque stand, Candy came into the picture. She told my friends about her “allegedly” history with Vic. I told my friends not to listen to her, because it’s just her fantasy. Have you experienced listening to someone tell his/her story, and you’re not interested at all, it makes you so sleepy? Candy thought her stories were so fascinating. Too bad we can’t complain about it. Suddenly, Vic came and checked on his employees. Candy, on the other hand, acted as if she doesn’t know Vic was around and started to flutter her eyelids like a butterfly! My friends and I were laughing, but Candy didn’t know it was her (whom we’re laughing at). She felt so beautiful at that time, we don’t want to steal her moment. Hang on to that dream, Candy!

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